Planning and Zoning Commission

Zoning is the municipal regulation of the use of land within the city limits, including the regulation of the buildings and structures. It involves the division of land into districts, characterization of the allowable activities within those districts, and the imposition of construction standards. Zoning is the single strongest regulatory tool municipalities have to steer the development and use of land. Municipalities are given broad powers to control land use for the welfare and benefit of citizens.

Historic Role of Zoning: It is believed zoning was imported to the United States from Germany, where cities there had adopted it around 1870. New York City adopted the United States' first zoning ordinance in 1916. The original purpose of zoning was to protect homeowners in residential areas from devaluation by industrial and apartment uses that had been made possible by advances in transportation technology (i.e. trucks and buses) around 1910-1920. Completion of the federal interstate highway system around 1970 made jobs and employees so mobile that suburbs began to adopt growth controls in the form of zoning and subdivision ordinances to manage the changing landscape. Today, zoning's purpose remains the same - to segregate uses thought to be incompatible, and provide for peaceful transitions. However, it is also used as a tool to promote quality of life, preserve the character of a community and prevent new development from interfering with existing resident or businesses.

Planning & Zoning Commission: The City Council of a home-rule municipality shall appoint a commission pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 211.007(a). The rules and regulations of the Commission are established in the Home Rule Charter and in the City's Code of Ordinances. The Commission consists of seven (7) citizens of the City. The Commission shall elect a chairman from among its membership each year at the first regular meeting each July. Meetings are held no less than once a month.

Commission Qualifications: Members of the Commission shall be residents of the City for at least twelve (12) months preceding the date of appointment; own real property; be a qualified registered voter; be knowledgeable in the affairs of the City ; and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities of the City.

Meeting Minutes can also be found on Municode at the following link:
Municode Library Planning & Zoning
1 Richard Kay 2023-2025
2 Craig Scott 2021-2024
3 William Strieber 2023-2025
4 Nick Lorette 2006-2024 Co-Chairman
5 Michael Dayon 2020-2024
6 Steve Wilson 2023-2024
7 Chad Shimaitis 2020-2024  Chairman
Staff Liaison Rick Adams Planning Director
Staff Liaison Nicole Boyer Planning Asst. Board Secretary