Safety Tips

Carbon Monoxide; it is color less, odorless and is a serious health hazard that can become fatal.

Warning signs of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

  • Burning eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion Unconscious
If you or any one in your home is suffering from any of these symptoms, contact The City of Port Aransas Gas Department to inspect your home for Carbon Monoxide.

Recognizing a natural gas leak; in your home or yard.

Warning signs of a Natural Gas Leak.

  • Smell - Natural Gas is injected with Odorant, this gives it its instinct smell.
  • Sight - Dead or dying vegetation, bubbling water, and blackening soil.
  • Sound - If a natural gas leak is large enough you may hear a hissing sound.
If you or any one in your home experiences any of these warning signs you should not switch lights or appliances on or off;
  • Turn off the flow of gas if you can.
  • Open your doors and windows.
  • With the use of a neighbor's telephone contact The City of Port Aransas Gas Department immediately to investigate.